Contact Us: 781-828-7808
What should I do with my old Christmas tree?
January 4, 2013
How soon is too soon to start planting?
April 25, 2013
  1. Live Plants Boost Moral. Studies have shown a correlation between live plants and enhanced moods in the office.  Workers with decorative plants have higher accuracy rates, enhanced memory and improved performance.
  2. Leafy indoor plants clean the air. Plants can keep indoor air moisturized and cleanse it of toxins.  Studies from NASA have shown that plants absorb benzene and formaldehyde and reduce the numbers of airborne bacteria and mold spores.
  3. Living plants enhance memory.  Indoor plants have a beneficial effect on learning and enthusiasm.
  4. Indoor plants provide affordable and attractive décor.  Hiring a plantscaper is an easy way to maintain “green walls” that are a healthy alternative to art décor.  They do require maintenance so let Evergreen Tropical Interiors do all the work for you!
  5. Potted plants are more efficient than cut flowers.  Cut flowers are more perishable compared to a bouquet of flowers, which is why potted plants are a better choice.

For all plantscaping and indoor plant care and maintenance needs, contact us or call 781-828-7808 today!

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