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Putting plants indoor have many benefits – not only do they act as a perfect decoration, but they also clean the air and environment around them. In ideal conditions, plants indoors and in houses can live a long time. As long as you are taking care of them, giving them the right amount of water, sunlight, humidity then the length shouldn’t be a concern. If you properly take care of a plant and give it what it needs it should live for longer than you may think.

Plants that live inside take more care than an outdoor plant because they aren’t exposed to fresh air and natural sunlight every day. There are things you can to do make sure your plant lives a long time and thrives inside your home or office.

What you can do to help your indoor plant live longer

One thing plants need is sunlight. If your living arrangement for your plants tends to be darker, you can move them into direct sunlight, by a window daily to make sure they are getting the sun they need. Different plants need different amounts of sunlight – if you know your living arrangement has less sunlight you might want to stick to a plant that needs less. On the other hand, if you get a lot of sunlight there are plants that flourish in more sunlight.

When you are picking a plant, it’s important to think about how much time and effort you can devote to the plant. If you have a green thumb and love taking care of plants then a plant that needs a lot of attention would be a good pick for you.  If you can’t say you’ll remember to water, give sunlight, or take care of the plant, there are plants that can thrive and grow on low maintenance.

Drainage is an important factor to remember for houseplants. To make sure your plant has proper drainage, you can place some big rocks at the bottom of the pot so that your soil isn’t sitting in water. You can also get a pot with drainage holes. Occasionally you should check and make sure that the holes haven’t been clogged. You can put a plant saucer under the plant to catch any extra water.

The last thing you can do to make sure your indoor plant stays healthy is to fertilize your plant. When you water your plant, some of the plant’s nutrients will leave the soil, and as plants grow they eat a lot of the soil. In the summer months, plants tend to do most of their growth so adding fertilizer is more important than in winter months when plants tend to stay dormant.

Professional Plant Maintenance

Questions about indoor plants?

If you have any questions about indoor plants or if you are looking to add plants to your office or business, call us at Evergreen Tropical Interiors! We are happy to help you pick and design the right plant for your office to ensure that it stays alive and healthy. You can contact us on our website or give us a call at 781-828-7808.

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