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A bunch of succlents
Everything You Need to Know About Succulents
February 27, 2019
A plant with big leaves with a white background
10 Fun Facts About Plants
March 15, 2019
A woman sitting on her laptop in green grass

When you look at your home or in front of your office building and see brown or yellow grass, it looks like an eyesore. It’s not visually appealing and green grass is very desirable. How do people keep their grass green? There are many different aspects that could be affecting your lawn. Here are some steps you can do to get the greenest and healthiest lawn on the block.

Tips for Keeping Grass Green

Mow Correctly

Most people mow their lawns incorrectly which is hurting the way it grows back. Keep in mind that the grass you cut is actually the leaf of the plant, and if you cut it too short you are cutting the green away. Your lawn should be mowed frequently and not too short, you should also sharpen your blades on your lawn mower a few times a year.


There is a specific amount of fertilizer that’s needed if you are putting too little or too much on your lawn you could be killing it or not giving enough nutrients that it needs. Depending on the type of grass you have, you should do your research on the amount of fertilizer your specific type of grass needs.


Grass needs water to survive and look green, this is one of the top reasons that your grass could start to look yellow and die. Most types of grasses need about one to two inches of water a week to survive. On the hot summer months, the grass will need more. If you are giving your grass enough water then your grass will have the best chance to stay green.


Your grass will be taking nutrients to grow from the soil if you are still having problems keeping your grass green when it’s getting enough water the next step would be to do a soil test to see what nutrients your soil is lacking. You can add specific types of fertilizer based on what your soil needs.

Insects & Bugs

If your grass seems to be dying and turning yellow no matter what you do then you could have an infestation of bugs or insects. If you see any bugs around the surrounding areas on your grass or when you are spending time on it see any crawling around the grass or on you, then you may look for something to help get rid of the problem.

At Evergreen Tropical Interiors,  we understand that keeping not only grass but your plants alive and thriving can be a complicated job which is why we offer many programs where we worry about your plants so you don’t have to. For more information on our blooming program or maintenance services visit our website. If you want a quote or have any questions, you can give us a call at 781-828-7808 or contact us directly on our website.

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